Do you feel it? The game is shifting. The balance of the scales is tipping in my favor. Ma’at—truth, equilibrium, & order is coming to light.

I’ve been fighting some very evil, ancient entities who were trying to steal my identity, my essence, & my aura.

Karmic agents sent into my life, full of insecurity, envy & rage—only to show me how strong & resilient I truly am.

This intense wickedness was passed down through their lineage—generations of deception, jealousy, & destruction.

While I extended my love, hoping to heal, they sought instead to break my soul—to kill me mentally, emotionally, & even spiritually. Their greed knew no bounds, even attempting fraud against me, trying to rob me from my authenticity.

But the world is waking up. The masks are falling. The opposition is being seen for who they truly are—narcissistic, gluttonous, nameless souls, & energy vampires that thrive on immoral tactics & emotional manipulation.

These frenemies tried to dim my light at every opportunity—undermining me, refusing to support me, & lurking behind facades of false goodness. But were literally obsessed with me.

My intuition never lies. It has exposed their deceit, revealing them as nothing more than beasts sent to test me.

Yet, I was sent into their lives to be their greatest teacher— Karma.

What these villains failed to realize is that you cannot mess with the divine—The chosen.

Every ounce of evil they unleashed upon me has now boomeranged back to them—tenfold. I feel it in my soul.

What they don’t understand is: I eat pain for breakfast. It does not break me—it fuels me. I am an alchemist. A master of transformation. I turn pain into power.

But they? They weren’t built the same. The immense torture they endure will destroy them.

It will consume them like the cowards they are—those who hide behind disguises like roaches.

And now?
Divine Justice is being served. These toxic people’s true colors have come to the surface. Everyone can clearly see them for who they truly are. A direct reflection of their finessing guardians.

They will feel the fire deep in their psyche. It will show up on them physically. & it will burn them emotionally over & over again.

To my soul tribe—the ones who guided me through this emotional chess game; who reminded me of my strength even in my weakest moments—I love you & I thank you.

Your energy, your wisdom, & your presence have been my beacon in the storm. You are my mirrors🪞

Until our stars align⭐️ I will see you soon ♡ ♡